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The ones we use to define, build, market & measure campaigns across all platforms & channels to improve your online visibility.
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We create campaigns that invite attention, create buzz, and convert audiences. Tell us what you need and we'll bring it to life.
We create campaigns that invite attention, create buzz, and convert audiences. Tell us what you need and we'll bring it to life.
We create campaigns that invite attention, create buzz, and convert audiences. Tell us what you need and we'll bring it to life.
For this project, we were asked to help build their brand image with a mission of becoming a house hold name. At the time, our business was mainly audio jingles. In order to achieve the goal, it had to be memorable. The end result? A name known across Maine and beyond and with the most memorable and true slogan: " I should have bought it, when I saw it, at Marden's. rebrand a product in order to attract new audiences, while maintaining relevance to current fans. It was an exciting project and a great success.
For this project, we were asked to rebrand a product in order to attract new audiences, while maintaining relevance to current fans. It was an exciting project and a great success.
For this project, we were asked to rebrand a product in order to attract new audiences, while maintaining relevance to current fans. It was an exciting project and a great success.
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